“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?"
Marianne Williamson
This school is about removing the blocks to our greatness and working to release our fear...to allow the body to bring out the magic of the dance.
I remember on one occasion I worked so hard in class, I was exhausted, so I learnt that you must not force the body. The body is a fantastic instrument and therefore it is imperative that it is aligned and never forced. This does not mean you mustn't work hard - quite the opposite. I will teach students to sense in their own bodies when they are not working in the right way.
First and foremost it is one's duty to look after the body. Working with S.E.L.F (Sustainable Environmental Living for the Future) the students will learn about the importance of organic unprocessed food and what foods work best for them. Students will learn about raw food, energy superfood and juice boosters, which are all essential for an aspiring dancer. A dancers muscles and joints must be nourished at all times to avoid injury.
Although I was a very successful ballerina, I have discovered many things in my search for perfection since leaving the ballet. It is clear, in my understanding, that the mind is in every cell and consequently the mind rules the body. I am adamant that my ballet school educates the discipline of the mind. Young dancers will then realize and appreciate the power of those thoughts and how they will 'affect' their dancing. This in turn will affect how they conduct themselves for the rest of their lives.
It is my passion for dance that has fuelled this school. I know how fulfilling dance can be especially when I am not fighting my body or my mind. I feel it is my duty to offer this gift to future dancers so that they can experience and share the joy of dance.
Inner Knowledge
Indigo Brave are experts in Mind Body Connection and Emotional Intelligence. They have created a special programme, just for Doreen's school, teaching how to create 'a Fearless Performer's Mindset'. Delivered by professional performers it will be a real insight into how to use your mind as one of your greatest Creative Tools.
All performing begins with the mind. We teach you how to ensure your mind is working WITH your body to be your very best. All top sports people today use sport psychology to support them. We bring you Performance Psychology, giving you a real edge in the professional world. Thoughts become things. We can show you how to use your thoughts to enhance your dance and how to discover and tackle Self Limiting Beliefs to burst through any obstacles in your way.
Reach your full potential -
Be the very best you can be -
How to be the best dancer possible !