Scroll down and see more of Doreen with friends, in Charlie Girl and much more

Sir Fredicks Ashtons Ballet 'The Two Pidgeons' staring Doreens Wells

Sol Hurok inviting Doreen Wells to come and perform 'Sleeping Beauty' in New York. One of the world's foremost impresarios.

Doreen Wells dancing with Wayne Sleep ...the tap dance ' Tea for Two - for the Dance Teachers Benevolent Fund

Photo by Kit Constable Maxwell

Vladimir Vasiliev, Doreen Wells & Count Andrey Tolstoy - Doreen was asked to judicator in Russia for the friends of Covent Garden who had raised funds for the dancers to go to the school.

Doreen Wells with her sons the Marquess of Londonderry and Lord Reginald Stewart

Doreen Wells with Deanne Bergsma, Lesley Collier, Wayne Eagling and Michael Coleman

After the performance of ;Swan Lake; at Covent Garden Crush Bar - Doreen Wells and David Wall

Doreen Wells with a young luciano pavarotti at a party for the friends of Covent Garden

Doreen Wells with Dame Anna Neagle - Doreen danced Dame Anna Neagle's dance from the film 'Spring in Park Lane' at the Royal Command Performance.

Doreen Wells with Natalia Makarova at the Opera House in Covent Garden

Doreen Wells with Dora Bryan in Charlie Girl